Mily Balakirev   (1837 - 1910)

Mily Alexeyevich Balakirev  (1837 - 1910)    List of Compositions

             During an 1866 visit to Prague, Balakirev sketched and partly orchestrated 
            an Overture on Czech Themes; this work would be performed at a May 1867 
             Free School concert given in honor of Slav visitors to the All-Russian Ethno-
             graphical Exhibition in Moscow.  This was the concert for which, in his 
             review,  Vladimir Stasov coined the phrase Moguchaya kuchka ("Mighty 
             Handful") to describe The Five.

             Islamey: Oriental Fantasy  (1869)

            Tamara  (1882)

            Overture on Three Russian Songs  (1858)

   Islamey, Oriental Fantasy, Op. 18

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